Comparing Your Options for Weight Loss Surgery

Unless you’re lucky enough to have a really fast metabolism, losing weight is never easy. And if you have a lot of pounds to lose, the struggle can be even harder. It’d be bad enough if all those extra pounds were “just” a cosmetic issue. But being overweight or obese also increases your risks of serious medical problems, like heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, Type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, hormone-related problems, dementia, and even some types of cancer. Plus, when you’re carrying extra weight around, it can sap your energy and even prevent you from doing a lot of activities you might otherwise enjoy, including hanging out with friends. Depending on how many times you’ve tried to lose the weight, you might find yourself discouraged and even depressed.
Fortunately, weight loss surgery can help you get rid of excess pounds and keep them off — for good. Today’s surgeries use state-of-the-art techniques designed to minimize risks and maximize results, so you can look great, feel great, and lower your risks of serious weight-related medical issues. At New Life Medical, we offer an array of weight loss surgery options to help ensure you get the best treatment for your needs and your goals.
Know your options
As a skilled bariatric surgeon, Dr. Nirav Naik helps patients evaluate their options for weight loss surgery, guiding them through the pros and cons of each so they can make a truly informed and confident decision. Here’s a brief review of each of the four types of weight loss surgery that Dr. Naik performs at New Life Medical Center, so you can get a general idea of how they compare.
Gastric band
The gastric band procedure works by limiting how much food your stomach can contain. During the procedure, Dr. Naik places a flexible silicone band (sometimes called a surgical rubber band) around one part of your stomach, preventing food from entering. The “unbanded” part of your stomach is much smaller, so it takes less food to fill you up.
While the band is in place, you’ll practice healthy eating habits and portion control. The band can be adjusted as needed to accommodate your changing eating habits. Once you’ve reached your weight loss goal, Dr. Naik will remove the band and your stomach will resume its normal size.
Gastric bypass
Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most common types of bariatric surgery in the United States. During a bypass procedure, your stomach is separated into two areas — one larger and one about the size of a ping-pong ball. The smaller one will act as your “new” stomach, helping you consume fewer calories. Next, the smaller stomach pouch is connected directly to the middle part of your small intestine, bypassing the upper part of your small intestine where most digestion takes place. That means your body won’t absorb as many calories from the food it digests. Gastric bypass is reversible, just like the gastric band.
Gastric balloon
During a gastric balloon procedure, Dr. Naik places a small surgical balloon in your stomach, then fills it with saline solution. The balloon reduces the amount of space inside your stomach so you wind up eating less. Once you reach your target weight, the balloon is deflated and removed.
Unlike the other three procedures, gastrectomy is not reversible. In this procedure, Dr. Naik removes most of your stomach, leaving a narrow sleeve-shaped portion, which he attaches to the small intestine. Because your stomach is drastically smaller, you won’t consume as many calories. Plus, since the surgery removes the part of your stomach where most of your “hunger hormones” are produced, you won’t feel as hungry, either.
All of these procedures require changes to your eating habits in order to be effective, and you may need to take dietary supplements to make sure your body is getting all the important nutrients it needs.
Find out if weight loss surgery is right for you
It’s easy to get discouraged when multiple weight loss attempts let you down. But if you give up, you’re leaving yourself open to all sorts of medical problems, not to mention lower self-esteem and self-confidence. With weight loss surgery at New Life Medical Center, you can finally get rid of that extra weight once and for all. To learn more about the weight loss surgery options we offer and to find out if weight loss surgery is right for you, book an appointment online today.
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