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Blog Articles

Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass: The Differences

Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass: The Differences

Considering weight loss surgery to finally make a difference in how you look and feel? In this blog, we review the differences between sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass to help you determine what will work for you.
Mar 1st, 2025
Does a Hernia Require Surgery?

Does a Hernia Require Surgery?

Your doctor has diagnosed you with a hernia, but you want to avoid surgery if you can. Is that possible, or does a hernia always require surgery? Find out more in this month’s blog.
Feb 1st, 2025
Go 4 It: Your Surgery-Free Solution for Skin Tightening

Go 4 It: Your Surgery-Free Solution for Skin Tightening

If you’re ready for more than just a one-time facial treatment to look younger, but you don’t want to undergo surgery, Go 4 It skin tightening will leave your skin looking tighter, fresher, and younger. Find out how it works.
Jan 1st, 2025
How Can You Live Without Your Gallbladder?

How Can You Live Without Your Gallbladder?

You may know of people who’ve had their gallbladder removed. But how can they continue to function normally after the surgery? Keep reading to find out how the body performs without this organ.
Nov 1st, 2024
Why Botox® Is Still the Gold Standard

Why Botox® Is Still the Gold Standard

Botox isn’t your only anti-aging option. It isn’t even the only neuromodulator on the market. So why is it still the most popular brand and the top choice of physicians and patients? Here’s the inside scoop on the 20-year Botox boom.
Oct 9th, 2024
Tips for Making Sure Your Filler Results Look Natural

Tips for Making Sure Your Filler Results Look Natural

Plastic surgery can dramatically change your face, but if you’re going for a more subtle transformation, fillers are the answer. Here’s how to ensure you get natural-looking results that don’t make you appear overdone.
Sep 18th, 2024

Low-Carb Diet: Is It Right for You?

Carbs get a bad rap, but they’re not your enemy. Getting the right carbs in the right amounts is key to weight loss. Here’s a handy carb guide to help you manage your intake and your weight.
Aug 7th, 2024
I'm Obese — What Can I Do to Overhaul My Health?

I'm Obese — What Can I Do to Overhaul My Health?

You may be comfortable in your own skin and feel fine about your weight, but obesity takes a toll on your health regardless of your feelings. When you’re ready to put your health at the top of your priority list, we can help.
Jul 10th, 2024

Reasons Your Skin Is So Rough

If nothing quenches your super dry skin, you’re probably not addressing the root cause of the problem. Here are the potential culprits of rough skin and what you can do about them.
May 14th, 2024
When to Choose Botox® AND Fillers

When to Choose Botox® AND Fillers

You’ve seen the ads and listened to your favorite social media influencers but still don’t know when to decide between Botox® and dermal fillers and when to get both Botox AND fillers. Here’s how to choose.
Feb 1st, 2024

How to Prepare for Hemorrhoid Surgery

Hemorrhoids — they can itch, hurt, bleed, and make it nearly impossible to focus on anything else. Your upcoming hemorrhoid surgery will solve all of that, but you can give your bottom a better chance at success if you prepare well. Here’s how.
Jan 17th, 2024

How to Care for Your Skin After Laser Hair Removal

Shaving, waxing, and tweezing are painful, time-consuming, and costly. Switch to laser hair removal for long-lasting, painless, and cost-effective results. Here are some aftercare tips to ensure you stay smooth and comfortable.
Dec 4th, 2023
5 Factors That Make Heartburn Worse

5 Factors That Make Heartburn Worse

You always keep a bottle of antacids nearby, but you still can’t get rid of your recurring heartburn. Chances are, you’re doing one of these things that bring on heartburn or make it worse.
Nov 5th, 2023
Recovering From Gallbladder Surgery: What to Expect

Recovering From Gallbladder Surgery: What to Expect

When you’re scheduled for gallbladder surgery, you’re focused on how your life will improve after the procedure. Here’s what you need to know about your recovery and how to get from surgery to success smoothly.
Oct 1st, 2023
Am I a Good Candidate for the LINX™ Procedure?

Am I a Good Candidate for the LINX™ Procedure?

When your esophagus weakens, you get severe acid reflux, and no amount of antacids can help — but LINX™ can. It stands in for your failing esophagus permanently. Find out here if the LINX procedure is right for you, and you’re right for LINX.
Sep 1st, 2023
What to Expect From Your Hernia Surgery

What to Expect From Your Hernia Surgery

Surgeons perform hernia repairs daily, but this is probably a first for you as a patient. Don’t undergo hernia surgery uninformed — here are answers to your most pressing questions about what to expect when we repair your hernia.
Aug 1st, 2023
Reasons to Choose Botox® and Fillers Over a Face-Lift

Reasons to Choose Botox® and Fillers Over a Face-Lift

It’s time. Those wrinkles have finally reached a point of no return, and you can't hide them any longer. The question is: Do you need a surgical face-lift, or can Botox® and fillers do the trick? Find out here.
Jul 1st, 2023
Try These Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Try These Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Ignoring chronic heartburn and acid reflux can land you in the hospital for hiatal hernia surgery or esophageal repair. Avoid those unpleasantries by trying these practical at-home tips to control acid reflux.
Jun 1st, 2023
Will My Hemorrhoid Go Away on Its Own?

Will My Hemorrhoid Go Away on Its Own?

Hemorrhoids aren’t subtle — they make you stand up and take notice. The pain and itchiness are enough to drive you mad, and you wish they would just go away. Some do, but when they trouble you for weeks, it’s time to seek help.
May 12th, 2023
Here's How Laser Hair Removal Works

Here's How Laser Hair Removal Works

Laser hair removal is the safest way to get rid of unwanted hair for good, and it beats the drudge of shaving, plucking, and waxing — hands down. But how does it work? Keep reading to learn how lasers lead to hairlessness.
Apr 7th, 2023
Signs You May Have Gallbladder Disease

Signs You May Have Gallbladder Disease

What’s a gallbladder, and how can you tell when it’s malfunctioning, damaged, or diseased? Keep reading to learn all about your gallbladder and how to spot the warning signs of gallbladder disease.
Mar 9th, 2023
What Is BMI and Why Does It Matter?

What Is BMI and Why Does It Matter?

You know that a high BMI means you’re overweight, but what do the letters stand for? Is there an ideal BMI you should aim for? And is BMI truly useful or just a gimmick? Keep reading for the answers to these questions and more.
Jan 5th, 2023
Abdominal Pain? Here's When You Should Be Concerned

Abdominal Pain? Here's When You Should Be Concerned

A huge helping of rich food, stress, and traveling can cause an occasional upset stomach, but the symptoms are generally short-lived. Here’s how to tell when your abdominal pain may be more than just a passing problem.
Dec 7th, 2022
Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Hernia Pain

Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Hernia Pain

Hernia pain is a distinctive symptom that you might assume is something else that will pass eventually. But there are consequences of ignoring the pain that’s caused by a hernia. Here’s why you should listen to your body’s signals.
Nov 6th, 2022
I’m Embarrassed About My Acne Scars

I’m Embarrassed About My Acne Scars

Acne may have made teen life miserable, but the ghostly scars it left behind can haunt you for the rest of your life. You can reduce the look of those pits and spots with laser skin resurfacing — here’s how it works.
Oct 5th, 2022
Yes, You Can Remove Hair There

Yes, You Can Remove Hair There

How do you get rid of unwanted hair? Do you shave? Pluck? Tweeze? Wax? If so, you’re stuck with that routine for the long haul. To break free from the rut, check out laser hair removal — it works wherever hair grows.
Sep 6th, 2022
Does a Hernia Resolve on Its Own?

Does a Hernia Resolve on Its Own?

You’ve got a hernia — a bulge in your belly or your groin — and you’re hoping it’ll just go away on its own. Keep reading to find out if you can ignore it or if you need medical attention.
Aug 1st, 2022
My BMI Score Shows I’m Overweight — What Can I Do?

My BMI Score Shows I’m Overweight — What Can I Do?

Body mass index (BMI) is a screening tool that indicates how your weight compares to others of the same height. If your BMI falls into the overweight category or higher, here are some steps you can take to protect your health.
Jul 1st, 2022
Is a Gastric Balloon Procedure the Best Option for Me?

Is a Gastric Balloon Procedure the Best Option for Me?

When traditional weight loss efforts fail, you have surgical and minimally invasive options. But which type of bariatric procedure is best for you? Here’s a look at one of the most popular options — the Orbera® gastric balloon.
Jun 1st, 2022
When Gallbladder Surgery Might Be Necessary

When Gallbladder Surgery Might Be Necessary

Gallbladder problems such as infection, inflammation, and gallstones can be painful and lead to serious complications, but is surgery always necessary? Find out here.
Apr 3rd, 2022
How Electrolysis Works to Remove Unwanted Hair

How Electrolysis Works to Remove Unwanted Hair

If you have blond, red, gray, or white hair and you’ve been told that laser hair removal won’t work for you, take heart: You can still get long-lasting results from a time-honored technology — electrolysis. Here’s how it works.
Feb 6th, 2022
When Weight Loss Surgery Might Be Right for You

When Weight Loss Surgery Might Be Right for You

Losing weight is different for everyone — some people cut a few carbs and lose 10 pounds; others struggle to drop an ounce even with a strict diet and exercise regimen. Find out if and when it’s time to consider weight loss surgery.
Jan 13th, 2022
How IPL Treatments Can Help With Rosacea

How IPL Treatments Can Help With Rosacea

Rosy cheeks are nice when you want them, but forced rouge all day, every day, can be a problem. And with rosacea, you get those pimply bumps to boot. When prescription creams aren’t cutting it, IPL may be the answer.
Dec 12th, 2021
When It’s Time to Consider Surgery for Your Heartburn

When It’s Time to Consider Surgery for Your Heartburn

Do you have antacids on your nightstand, in your car, in your desk drawer, and in your pocket? If so, your heartburn is more than an occasional problem; it’s a chronic condition that’s endangering your health. It may be time to consider surgery.
Nov 10th, 2021
Who Needs Heartburn Surgery?

Who Needs Heartburn Surgery?

After a huge plate of lasagna, it’s normal to have a little heartburn. But if you suffer from chronic acid reflux, you may be dealing with a serious condition that calls for heartburn surgery. Find out what this procedure entails and if you need it.
Sep 12th, 2021

What a BMI Calculator Can Tell You About Your Health

The body mass indicator (BMI) reveals valuable information about your weight, but can it expose hidden dangers to your health, too? Find out how to use a BMI calculator to improve your overall wellness.
Jul 13th, 2021

The Beauty Benefits of Botox® and Fillers

If you’ve started noticing the signs of aging on your face, you’ve probably started researching ways to turn back the clock. Botox® and dermal fillers are a great place to start. Here are the perks of these powerhouse treatments.
Jun 16th, 2021

Treatment for Your Hernia

That bulging hernia won’t go away on its own. But the good news is that you have access to a surgical expert who specializes in repairing hernias and helping you prevent them in the future.
May 17th, 2021

Help for Your Heartburn

A big plate of lasagna can give anyone a case of heartburn, but if you get a burning pain in your chest no matter what you eat or drink, it might be time to trade in your antacids for more advanced treatment. Here’s how we can help.
Apr 11th, 2021

Why an IPL Facial Might Be Right for You

IPL facials can clear away a wide range of skin issues and revitalize your skin’s appearance. Keep reading to find out if your skin can benefit from the power of intense pulsed light therapy.
Mar 8th, 2021

Should I Have My Gallbladder Removed?

Everyone feels a little gassy and bloated now and then. But when you also have diarrhea and stomach pain, there may be more to blame than a rich meal. Get to know your gallbladder and find out if it could be the culprit causing your symptoms.
Feb 10th, 2021

Understanding the Different Types of Weight Loss Surgery

You’ve tried every diet and have done your best to exercise, but you’re still overweight. It’s a common problem, and a dangerous one. Find out if you might be a good candidate for a surgical solution, and if so, which one.
Jan 20th, 2021

Can Laser Hair Removal Help Me Give Up Shaving for Good?

As this year comes to a close, you’re already looking ahead. And if your resolution is “new year, new me,” why not start at the roots with a new hair removal method? Read about how our laser hair removal can help you ditch your razor for good.
Dec 8th, 2020

The Different Types of Hemorrhoid Surgery

No one likes to talk about private body parts, especially when something goes wrong — like hemorrhoids. So you keep buying over-the-counter creams that don’t really work. Here, we cover three surgical options to get rid of your problem for good.
Nov 12th, 2020

5 Foods to Cut Out of Your Diet to Reduce Heartburn

Are you reaching for antacids throughout the day and waking up at night with a burning pain in your chest? If you’ve ruled out other conditions, it could be good old fashioned heartburn. Do yourself a favor and cut these five culprits from your diet.
Oct 6th, 2020

Is 3 FOR ME Right For You?

With countless aesthetic treatments available to treat multiple skin issues, deciding which one to choose can be overwhelming — so don’t choose. Find out how a treatment combination called 3 FOR ME can address several skin issues in one session.
Sep 21st, 2020

Myths and Facts About BMI Everyone Should Know

There are so many variables when it comes to weight loss, and a simple formula lets you know where you stand. It’s called the body mass index, or BMI. But can you swear by it? Here’s the skinny on the BMI.
Aug 24th, 2020

Are You a Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

You’ve likely heard the buzz surrounding laser hair removal, but does it live up the hype? Can everyone get rid of stubborn, unwanted hair for good? Keep reading to find out if you’re a candidate for laser hair removal.
Jun 29th, 2020

How Do I Know If I'm Overweight or Obese?

Although many use the terms obese and overweight interchangeably, the two words have different meanings in the medical field. Because your weight is linked to all other health issues, it’s important to understand where you weigh in.
May 8th, 2020

Restore Your Youthful Appearance With Botox®

You can’t stop aging, but you can stop your face from showing signs of age. Botox® is one of the most popular ways to do just that, helping to restore a more youthful appearance. Here’s what you need to know.
Mar 1st, 2020

Understanding How Laser Hair Removal Works

Both men and women spend lots of time and money every day getting rid of unwanted hair, only to wake up the next day and start all over again. That’s why so many are turning to laser hair removal to stop the cycle. Learn how this procedure works.
Feb 1st, 2020

Why You Should Care About Your BMI

Do you know your body mass index (BMI)? While this number doesn’t define you, it does provide important clues about your health. Read on to learn why your BMI matters and what you can do to reach a healthy number.
Dec 1st, 2019

What Happens When You Have Gallstones?

Gallstones can go unnoticed for long periods of time, but they require surgery and removal when they begin affecting your health. That begs the question: what are gallstones, and what happens when you have them?
Nov 1st, 2019

Comparing Your Options for Weight Loss Surgery

Frustrated by multiple failed attempts at weight loss? If you’re very overweight or obese, weight loss surgery could be the answer. Here are four options you should know about.
Sep 3rd, 2019

Food Network: 11 Healthy-Eating Myths That Just Aren’t True

Some interesting facts in this article… though I disagree with a few of the points, it’s overall is a great example of how “Healthy Eating” May not be what we have been told it is! The truth is out there! Keep digging! – Dr. Naik
Apr 8th, 2019

There are better ways to measure body fat than BMI

Every January, fat’s in the crosshairs of health columnists, fitness magazines, and desperate Americans. This year, PopSci looks at the macronutrient beyond its most negative associations. What’s fat good for? How do we get it to go where we want it to?
Nov 6th, 2018

Do you want to be a fat man or fit man?

Make an “okay” sign with your thumb and index finger. You’re looking at the approximate size of my stomach. That tiny circle, the result of gastric-bypass surgery, has made an enormous difference in my life.
Aug 2nd, 2016