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Do This Not That If You Want to Protect Your Skin This Summer

Do This Not That If You Want to Protect Your Skin This Summer

The scorching heat of the Bakersfield sun is a summer staple in central California. Whether you love paddling on the Kern River, hiking, shopping, or watching youth soccer, the warm climate makes for a fun summer, but it can be brutal on your skin.

Dr. Nirav Naik at New Life Aesthetics wants to help you stay healthy and look good for years to come — that means mastering the art of skin protection. Here, he explains the do’s and don’ts of shielding your skin this summer. 

Do screen up with SPF 30 or higher

When the mercury climbs (even if it’s a cloudy day), use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to block the ultraviolet (UV) rays responsible for sunburns and skin cancers. 

Stock up, because you need about a shot glass worth for your whole body, and you have to reapply every two hours — even more often if you’ve been sweating or swimming. 

Don’t trust makeup with SPF to save you

Sure, a foundation with SPF is a step up from a bare face, but it’s not fortified enough to go toe-to-toe with the blazing Bakersfield sun. You don’t apply makeup in the quantities instructed for sunscreen, so relying solely on it for sun protection is like using an umbrella in a monsoon — decorative, yes, but not practical.

Do gear up with protective clothing

Long-sleeved shirts, broad-brimmed hats, and sunglasses aren’t just fashion statements; they form an effective barrier against UV rays. Opt for fabrics specifically designed to block UV light, and remember to shield the tops of your feet, ears, and scalp.

Layering up doesn’t mean sweating it out — myriad lightweight, breathable materials offer ample protection without causing you to overheat.

Don’t bake uncovered in the sun

Sweating stinks, but it’s nothing compared to risking serious skin damage. While tanning feels good at the moment, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, especially between 10am and 4pm, harms your skin. 

Plan outdoor activities in the morning and evening to avoid the harshest periods of UV intensity.

Do seek the shade

Shade is your skin’s sanctuary during a scorcher, particularly when sun intensity peaks. Strategic shade-seeking not only keeps you cool but significantly curtails UV exposure.

Carve out your own shaded oasis whenever you’re out in the open, whether that’s under a tree, an umbrella, or a canopy. 

Don’t tempt the sun

Stepping out with unprotected skin — even for a few minutes — threatens your skin. Underestimating the sun’s impact can lead to immediate sunburn and long-term consequences such as premature aging and skin cancer. 

Remember, moderation is important in everything, including sun exposure. A short stint in the sunshine generates essential vitamin D, but be conscious of how long you’ve been soaking up the rays and know when it’s time to retreat to the shade.

Do avoid indoor tanning beds

The UV radiation released by indoor tanning equipment isn’t some mild-mannered twin to the sun’s rays; it’s a potent cocktail that increases your risk of skin cancer, including melanoma, the deadliest form.

If you must have golden brown skin, opt for sunless tanning lotions or sprays that achieve that sun-kissed look safely. Remember, tan skin is damaged skin, no matter its source.

Don’t believe a “base tan” will shield you

There’s a pervasive myth that a base tan can prevent sunburn. Wrong.

A base tan is a visible sign that UV radiation has already damaged your skin. It offers minimal protection against further burning and zero protection against lasting skin damage and cancer risks.

Regardless of how it’s acquired, there’s no such thing as a “safe” tan. 

Do seek medical treatment for sun-damaged skin

Unchecked skin damage can lead to life-threatening forms of skin cancer. Dr. Naik offers two advanced treatments to rid your skin of damaged cells and stimulate the production of new, healthy cells.

IPL photofacial

Our intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacial is a noninvasive way to reduce age spots and sun damage. It relies on the power of light and uses a broad spectrum of wavelengths. The light generates thermal energy that destroys pigmented cells, like sunspots.

Laser skin resurfacing

For deeper damage, we offer laser skin resurfacing with the Icon® laser system from CynoSure®. This treatment also uses light-based energy but focuses the thermal energy into a single beam that targets specific cells and tissues. 

Dr. Naik helps you determine which treatment is best suited to your skin’s needs. 

Don’t delay

Call New Life Aesthetics to schedule an appointment and work on achieving fresh, healthy skin this summer.

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