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The Different Types of Hemorrhoid Surgery

The No. 1 reason people avoid getting medical treatment for their hemorrhoids is that they’re embarrassed to talk about it with their doctor. But doctors have spent a great deal of their lives learning about all the things that can possibly go wrong with the human body, and their goal is to treat a condition and restore their patients’ well-being.

If you have hemorrhoids, don’t feel shy about coming to us here at New Life Medical in Bakersfield, California. Dr. Nirav Naik is a highly experienced general and bariatric surgeon who treats patients with dignity and respect. He makes you feel comfortable from the moment you meet him and puts you at ease about your hemorrhoid condition. 

Dr. Naik offers three different types of surgical procedures to solve your painful, bleeding, itchy hemorrhoids for good. Depending on the state of your hemorrhoids, here are your options.


For minor internal hemorrhoids, the type that stay small and cause only occasional problems, you may be able to get away with the least invasive hemorrhoid procedure we offer — banding. 

With this in-office procedure, Dr. Naik numbs the area so you don’t feel any discomfort. He then inserts an anoscope, a slim tube with a light at the end, into your rectum so he can see exactly where your hemorrhoids are, how big they are, and how many there are. 

Next, he slips a ligator through the anoscope so he can wrap tiny bands around the base of each hemorrhoid. This stops the blood flow to the veins in the hemorrhoids so they shrivel up and fall away.


Excision is a surgical procedure to cut hemorrhoids out, whether they’re internal or external. Dr. Naik may give you general anesthesia so you can sleep through the procedure. If you have larger, chronic, or recurring hemorrhoids inside and outside your anus, this is the best way to ensure that they don’t come back. 

Procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids (PPH)

Another surgical procedure takes the concept of banding to the next level — the procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids (PPH) is an effective way to treat mainly large internal hemorrhoids but can also treat some that are prolapsed as well (those that have slipped outside the anus). 

In this treatment, Dr. Naik uses a stapler-like device to reposition your hemorrhoids and suture them in a way that grabs excess tissue and cuts off the blood flow to the hemorrhoid. Like hemorrhoids that have been banded, these eventually die off and go away.

After your hemorrhoid surgery

After your hemorrhoid procedure, regardless of which one, you may notice some bleeding for a few days afterward. This is normal, but be sure to let Dr. Naik know if it lasts beyond three days.

You can also expect to feel a little gassy, you might experience some slight pain in your abdomen, and you may have some constipation. To shorten and alleviate these common symptoms, it’s important to follow Dr. Naik’s detailed aftercare instructions, which include increasing your dietary fiber and controlling constipation and diarrhea. 

Don’t be embarrassed about your hemorrhoids, and don’t just live with them, either. Call us at 661-230-8306 or request an appointment online today.

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