Understanding the Different Types of Surgery for Hemorrhoids

You’ve tried everything on the shelf at your local drugstore, but nothing seems to get rid of your painful, itchy hemorrhoids. We know it’s not a comfortable topic to discuss, but living with hemorrhoids isn’t comfortable, either.
We make it easy to talk about — and get rid of — your hemorrhoids at New Life Medical in Bakersfield, California. Dr. Nirav Naik and our team are professional, compassionate, and discreet. We help people get lasting relief from hemorrhoids every day, so there’s nothing we haven’t seen or heard.
In fact, it may surprise you to learn that one out of 20 Americans has hemorrhoids, so you’re not alone. When it comes to treating hemorrhoids, you have several options, which Dr. Naik discusses here.
About hemorrhoids
If you have hemorrhoids, you probably know they can cause pain, itching, and bleeding, making it difficult to sit. What you may not know is that hemorrhoids are simply swollen veins, much like varicose veins that often appear on the legs.
Straining during bowel movements or pressure from excess weight, pregnancy, or lifting heavy objects, can damage the one-way valve in the veins in your anus and rectum. This causes blood to pool in the vein and swell.
This can happen to veins inside your rectum above your anus. You won’t see these internal hemorrhoids, but you may notice some bleeding.
If it happens closer to the opening of your anus, the veins tend to bulge out, or prolapse These external hemorrhoids are visible and painful. It’s also possible to have a combination of internal and external hemorrhoids.
Over-the-counter remedies
If you have a mild case of hemorrhoids, some off-the-shelf creams and ointments, as well as a sitz bath with epsom salts, can help to shrink the inflamed veins and bring you temporary relief. However, if the vein is damaged, these remedies won’t fix the problem.
Banding is a better treatment than OTC products in that it can extend your relief for up to a year. But after that point, the hemorrhoids often return.
If you have a couple of mild to moderate hemorrhoids, banding is a good treatment option. Dr. Naik wraps a tiny rubber band around the hemorrhoid to cut off the blood supply, so it eventually shrivels and falls off. This is an in-office procedure that involves minor discomfort.
Hemorrhoid surgery
The best way to get rid of hemorrhoids for good is to remove the veins surgically. There are two main types of hemorrhoid surgery: PPH and excision.
Procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids (PPH)
If your hemorrhoids are mainly internal, you may be a good candidate for PPH, also known as a stapled hemorrhoidectomy. Dr. Naik uses a stapling device that repositions your hemorrhoids to an area with fewer nerve endings, which reduces your symptoms while you wait for the staples to starve the hemorrhoid of blood.
Although uncomfortable, the PPH procedure is generally considered less painful than traditional surgical hemorrhoidectomy.
Surgical hemorrhoidectomy
Only about 5%-10% of people with hemorrhoids require a surgical solution, but if your hemorrhoids are severe — grade 3 or 4 out of 4 — you qualify.
In this procedure, Dr. Naik makes small incisions in and around your anus to remove the damaged veins. Post-operative pain is significant, and you may need 2-4 weeks to recover from a surgical hemorrhoidectomy. The good news is that the results are permanent, as the veins are no longer there to cause a problem.
To find out which treatment or procedure is best for your hemorrhoids, schedule an appointment to see Dr. Naik. Simply call our friendly staff at 661-230-8306 today.
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