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Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass: The Differences Mar 1st, 2025

If you’re struggling with obesity, you’re not alone. More than 40% of American adults fit in this category, which translates to more than 100 million people. You may have tried to lose weight by changing your diet and exercising, but the needle just isn’t moving enough to make a difference....

Does a Hernia Require Surgery? Feb 1st, 2025

If your doctor has diagnosed you with a hernia, you may be wondering if surgery is absolutely necessary. In most cases, yes, you need surgery to repair your hernia, which your body can’t fix itself. In the meantime, though, while you’re waiting for surgery, there are a few steps you...

Go 4 It: Your Surgery-Free Solution for Skin Tightening Jan 1st, 2025

Have you looked in the mirror and realized that it’s time for a whole new you? You can no longer hide those wrinkles, lines, and blemishes, and your skin is looser and sagging where it used to be tight and firm. You don’t want to undergo an invasive surgery and...

Give Yourself the Gift of Laser Resurfacing This Holiday Season Dec 1st, 2024

Looking for the perfect gift for yourself as you swing into the holiday season? How about refreshing the face you see looking back at you in the mirror every morning? You may have been thinking about this for a while now, as the small signs of aging begin to creep...

How Can You Live Without Your Gallbladder? Nov 1st, 2024

More than 1.2 million people a year in America have their gallbladders removed in a procedure known as a cholecystectomy. Even though these people have had a functioning organ removed, they still continue to live their lives relatively normally.  But how?  At New Life Medical in Bakersfield, California, Dr. Nirav...

Why Botox® Is Still the Gold Standard Oct 9th, 2024

Botox® is the original anti-aging de-wrinkler, and it’s been around for over two decades. Despite the emergence of other neuromodulators in the market, none has been able to bump Botox out of the No. 1 position — it reigns as the gold standard for ridding wrinkled skin.  Dr. Nirav Naik...

Tips for Making Sure Your Filler Results Look Natural Sep 18th, 2024

There’s no doubt about it — if you’re looking to smooth out wrinkles, add volume to your lips, or contour your face, dermal fillers are multitasking miracles.  However, keeping your new look requires a delicate balance of technique, knowledge, and artistry.  Dr. Nirav Naik at New Life Aesthetics has years...

Low-Carb Diet: Is It Right for You? Aug 7th, 2024

Atkins™, keto, and paleo diets are all the rage, and celebrities swear that they work. What they don’t say is that they have a team of doctors, trainers, and nutritionists at their beck and call, monitoring their health and progress.  If you’re trying to lose weight and get healthier, a...

I'm Obese — What Can I Do to Overhaul My Health? Jul 10th, 2024

Obesity is more than just a number on the scale — it impacts every facet of your life, from physical health to emotional well-being.  If you're obese and you’re wondering how you can overhaul your life and get your health back on track, you’ve come to the right place. Dr....

Do This Not That If You Want to Protect Your Skin This Summer Jun 17th, 2024

The scorching heat of the Bakersfield sun is a summer staple in central California. Whether you love paddling on the Kern River, hiking, shopping, or watching youth soccer, the warm climate makes for a fun summer, but it can be brutal on your skin. Dr. Nirav Naik at New Life...

Reasons Your Skin Is So Rough May 14th, 2024

You’ve just sunk money into the latest moisturizer that everyone raves about, slathering your skin with tender care and hopeful anticipation, but you still sport rough patches that no amount of cream seems to soften.  Rough skin is frustrating, embarrassing, and uncomfortable.  Until you determine the root cause of your...

Spider Veins During Pregnancy? We Can Help You Get Your Pre-Baby Skin Back Apr 1st, 2024

Along with the joyful anticipation of meeting your baby, pregnancy comes with a downside, namely the toll it takes on your body. For many women, carrying and delivering a baby brings a few unwelcome reminders of the journey — spider veins.  The good news is that intense pulsed light (IPL)...

10 Questions to Ask at Your Next Weight Loss Appointment Mar 18th, 2024

Losing weight can feel like an uphill battle, but it’s worth the effort. The reward is a healthier body, a potentially longer life, and much more energy to do the things you love.  With the proper support and knowledge, you can reach those goals sooner than you might imagine. Dr....

When to Choose Botox® AND Fillers Feb 1st, 2024

If you don’t know the difference between Botox® and fillers, knowing when to choose one over the other — or both together — can be confusing.  Fortunately, Dr. Nirav Naik at New Life Aesthetics in Bakersfield, California, is here to take the guesswork out of your anti-aging routine. Here’s his...

How to Prepare for Hemorrhoid Surgery Jan 17th, 2024

Dealing with hemorrhoids can feel isolating and embarrassing, but the problem is more common than you might think. About half of all Americans will experience these itching, painful, bleeding veins in or on their anus by the time they’re 50.  Hemorrhoids can be mild and temporary or severe and chronic....

How to Care for Your Skin After Laser Hair Removal Dec 4th, 2023

Getting rid of unsightly hair has challenged humans for ages, leading to the use of sharp implements and barbaric techniques that slice, yank, and burn. Fortunately, 21st-century technology allows you to ditch the old ways and switch to a safer, more humane approach — laser hair removal. You can eliminate...

5 Factors That Make Heartburn Worse Nov 5th, 2023

Heartburn has nothing to do with your heart, but it can sure feel like it. That’s because your stomach acid has pushed upward into the bottom of your esophagus, located in your chest cavity not too far from your heart.  That burning sensation is more than uncomfortable; it eats away...

Recovering From Gallbladder Surgery: What to Expect Oct 1st, 2023

About 20 million Americans have gallstones — solid, rock-like formations that can block your bile duct — and about 300,000 of those people get a cholecystectomy or gallbladder removal. But gallstones aren’t the only reason for removing this organ; you might need to do so to treat other conditions, such as: Biliary...

Am I a Good Candidate for the LINX™ Procedure? Sep 1st, 2023

When food goes from your esophagus into your stomach, it passes through a valve called your lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES opens to allow food to enter your stomach and closes to prevent food and acid from flowing back into your esophagus. Various conditions can lead to failure in...

What to Expect From Your Hernia Surgery Aug 1st, 2023

Undergoing any type of surgery can be unsettling. Although Dr. Nirav Naik, our hernia specialist at New Life Medical in Bakersfield, California, performs hernia surgery almost daily, this may be your first time undergoing the procedure. And if you’re like most people, the unknowns of surgery make you a bit nervous. We get...

Reasons to Choose Botox® and Fillers Over a Face-Lift Jul 1st, 2023

You’ve watched your wrinkles go from barely-there lines to full-fledged crevices, and the time has come to take action. Before you start researching plastic surgeons, take a few moments to consider a safer and quicker but highly effective alternative. Dr. Nirav Naik at New Life Aesthetics in Bakersfield, California, can give you face-lift-like...

Try These Home Remedies for Acid Reflux Jun 1st, 2023

Acid reflux occurs when your stomach contents, including corrosive acid, flow back into your esophagus. While occasional acid reflux is normal, chronic acid reflux can lead to complications like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Once GERD hits, you face the probability of inflammation, scarring, and ulcers in your esophagus. Not on...

Will My Hemorrhoid Go Away on Its Own? May 12th, 2023

Let’s start with the good news — yes, hemorrhoids may go away on their own. But when they don’t, you may have to give your bum a helping hand. Several at-home remedies can ease your symptoms and shrink swollen anal veins, but not all hemorrhoids respond to self-care. Dr. Nirav...

Here's How Laser Hair Removal Works Apr 7th, 2023

Every year, more than a million women and men ditch their razors and molten jars of wax for a safer, saner, more permanent method of getting rid of unwanted hair — laser hair removal. In Bakersfield, California, they trust Dr. Nirav Naik and the team at New Life Aesthetics to...

Signs You May Have Gallbladder Disease Mar 9th, 2023

Unless something goes wrong with your gallbladder, you probably don’t give it much thought. That’s good; it means it’s doing its job. But when things go awry with this small organ under your liver, you’re sure to experience a few warning signs. Here, Dr. Nirav Naik, our board-certified specialist at...

Surgery for Heartburn? Here's What You Should Know Feb 12th, 2023

Although surgery for heartburn may sound extreme, it’s the standard treatment when the underlying cause involves a problem with your anatomy.  Dr. Nirav Naik at New Life Medical in Bakersfield, California, is one of the first surgeons in the state to adopt the latest technology and specialize in a new technique that revolutionizes heartburn...

What Is BMI and Why Does It Matter? Jan 5th, 2023

The health and fitness world is full of unique jargon, and the medical world has its fair share, too. BMI is a term that folks in both industries use to speak the same language when it comes to evaluating a person’s weight.  Dr. Nirav Naik at New Life Medical in Bakersfield, California, specializes...

Abdominal Pain? Here's When You Should Be Concerned Dec 7th, 2022

Stomachaches are common and usually don’t call for medical treatment. For example, indigestion can cause stomach discomfort for a few hours until the food moves through your digestive tract, and gas and bloating triggered by certain foods can cause temporary cramping.  If over-the-counter medications and antacids don’t resolve the issue,...

Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Hernia Pain Nov 6th, 2022

Hernias are quite common, especially in the abdomen and groin. They happen when a weak point in your muscle or connective tissue allows nearby tissue or organs to bulge through.  While you might not notice any symptoms right away, hernia pain is distinct when it happens. It involves sharp aching...

I’m Embarrassed About My Acne Scars Oct 5th, 2022

Active acne does a number on your skin, and the worst part may be the scarring that leaves pits, pockmarks, and discoloration long after the pimples have subsided. You can cover those ghostly reminders with makeup, but there’s no way to mask the pitted, rough texture with topical products. What...

Yes, You Can Remove Hair There Sep 6th, 2022

Achieving smooth, hair-free skin takes time, effort, and money. Regardless of which method you prefer — shaving, waxing, tweezing, plucking, or dissolving — you’re chained to the neverending upkeep routine.  When you’re ready to ditch your painful, time-sucking regimen, call us at New Life Aesthetics in Bakersfield, California. Led by Dr. Nirav Naik,...

Does a Hernia Resolve on Its Own? Aug 1st, 2022

When you feel a protrusion in your abdomen or groin, chances are it’s a hernia. There are several types of hernias, and not all of them require immediate medical attention, but if you ignore a hernia, you could experience some pretty serious complications.  At New Life Medical in Bakersfield, California, Dr. Nirav Naik and...

My BMI Score Shows I’m Overweight — What Can I Do? Jul 1st, 2022

An overweight body works less efficiently and has a higher risk for several weight-related diseases and health conditions than normal-weight bodies. Body mass index (BMI) is an excellent screening tool that determines your weight category as compared to other people your same height.  Dr. Nirav Naik, our weight loss surgery specialist at New...

Is a Gastric Balloon Procedure the Best Option for Me? Jun 1st, 2022

Obesity affects every aspect of your life — health, relationships, activities, job opportunities, wardrobe, and more. You’ve tried to lose weight, but nothing seems to work. We understand, and we can help. If your body mass index is 30 or higher; exercise, diet, and other lifestyle changes haven’t made a...

Will Laser Hair Removal Allow Me to Never Have to Shave Again? May 4th, 2022

How do you get rid of unwanted hair? And how often do you have to repeat that method? If you’re like most people, you’ve tried various methods over the years searching for the one that’s convenient, painless, safe, and long-lasting.  Nearly 2 million men and women have discovered that laser hair removal checks...

When Gallbladder Surgery Might Be Necessary Apr 3rd, 2022

Your gallbladder is a small organ that’s surprisingly nonessential. Its main job is to produce bile, a greenish-yellow fluid that helps you digest your food. If you’ve ever vomited while your stomach was empty, you may have seen bile come up and tasted its bitterness. Situated in your upper right...

Understanding the Different Types of Surgery for Hemorrhoids Mar 7th, 2022

You’ve tried everything on the shelf at your local drugstore, but nothing seems to get rid of your painful, itchy hemorrhoids. We know it’s not a comfortable topic to discuss, but living with hemorrhoids isn’t comfortable, either. We make it easy to talk about — and get rid of —...

How Electrolysis Works to Remove Unwanted Hair Feb 6th, 2022

Laser hair removal is all the rage these days, and for good reason. It’s safe, effective, and almost permanent. But it doesn’t work for everyone. Because it targets the pigment in your hair, your hair needs to contain pigment for it to work. That leaves you out if your hair...

When Weight Loss Surgery Might Be Right for You Jan 13th, 2022

Weight loss surgery is a great option for many people carrying too many extra pounds. But surgery that makes changes to your digestive system should never be the first option you turn to.  Here, Dr. Nirav Naik at New Life Medical in Bakersfield, California, explains when you should consider the...

How IPL Treatments Can Help With Rosacea Dec 12th, 2021

A demur blush across your cheeks when you’re embarrassed or smitten is endearing, but the constant flush of rosacea is aggressive and unwelcome. You can try at-home remedies and even prescription-strength medications to calm the redness and pimply outbreaks, but when they don’t do the job, it may be time...

When It’s Time to Consider Surgery for Your Heartburn Nov 10th, 2021

Everyone has heartburn now and then, right? A heavy meal, a night on the town, or a late-night fridge raid can trigger occasional indigestion. But if you’ve been self-treating your heartburn for months or even years, it’s probably more than heartburn. Dr. Nirav Naik at New Life Medical in Bakersfield,...

Why You Should Only Let a Licensed Physician Administer Cosmetic Injectables Oct 11th, 2021

When it comes to quick, easy, and effective anti-aging treatments, nothing beats injectables. Whether you opt for a neurotoxin like Botox® or choose one of the many brands of dermal fillers, you can get them done almost anywhere these days. But that doesn’t mean you should. Every state has laws...

Who Needs Heartburn Surgery? Sep 12th, 2021

Chronic acid reflux is nothing to trifle with. It can cause serious complications, including changes to your esophagus, such as Barrett’s esophagus, ulcers, infections, and cancer. It can also lead to lung problems, such as chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma. While over-the-counter antacids and prescription-strength medication can control symptoms for...

How Our Skin Tightening Treatments Can Help You Get Your Prepregnancy Body Back Aug 9th, 2021

Diet and exercise can go a long way when you’re trying to get back in shape after childbirth. But pregnancy did more to your body than just accumulate a little extra fat; it stretched your skin to its max, and it doesn’t seem to be bouncing back.  We can help...

What a BMI Calculator Can Tell You About Your Health Jul 13th, 2021

Staying healthy is a full-time job and requires you to monitor multiple variables throughout your life. Genetic factors play a big role in your risk for certain diseases, and you should take them seriously because they may help you avoid major health problems.  Lifestyle choices also influence your health. For...

The Beauty Benefits of Botox® and Fillers Jun 16th, 2021

As soon as you start looking into ways to smooth your wrinkles and restore the youthful look of your skin, Botox® and dermal fillers dominate your search and appear in your social media feeds. While clever algorithms may explain the barrage of pop-ups, these two beauty treatments have earned their...

Treatment for Your Hernia May 17th, 2021

Whether it’s just occurred and you’re in serious discomfort or you’ve been living with it for years with no symptoms, you should never let a hernia go untreated. But knowing where to turn for hernia treatment can often be just as frustrating as the lump in your side. In this...

Help for Your Heartburn Apr 11th, 2021

Heartburn got its name because the discomfort that you feel occurs where your stomach meets your esophagus, which is in the general area of your heart. In reality, your heart isn’t even remotely involved. What is involved is the upper portion of your digestive tract. And if your heartburn occurs...

Why an IPL Facial Might Be Right for You Mar 8th, 2021

Over the years, sun damage, age, and the environment do a number on your skin, and the evidence is most visible on your face. These days, there are several cosmetic treatments that can diminish those signs, including the ever-popular IPL (intense pulsed light) therapy. Dr. Nirav Naik and our team...

Should I Have My Gallbladder Removed? Feb 10th, 2021

Your liver produces bile to help break down fats. If there’s any left over, the extra bile gets stored in your gallbladder, a small organ tucked underneath your liver. The next time you eat a particularly fatty meal, your gallbladder releases its bile store to help process the fat.  It’s...

Understanding the Different Types of Weight Loss Surgery Jan 20th, 2021

The latest studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveal that more than 42% of the adult American population is obese. But what exactly is “obese”? You may step on the scale or look in the mirror and see that you could stand to lose a few...

Can Laser Hair Removal Help Me Give Up Shaving for Good? Dec 8th, 2020

As this year winds down, you’re probably already thinking ahead. New Year’s is a great time for self-improvement, a fresh start, and trying new things — and you can do all three by switching up your hair removal routine.  Dr. Nirav Naik and our team at New Life Aesthetics want...

The Different Types of Hemorrhoid Surgery Nov 12th, 2020

The No. 1 reason people avoid getting medical treatment for their hemorrhoids is that they’re embarrassed to talk about it with their doctor. But doctors have spent a great deal of their lives learning about all the things that can possibly go wrong with the human body, and their goal...

5 Foods to Cut Out of Your Diet to Reduce Heartburn Oct 6th, 2020

They say you are what you eat, and it’s true: A gut-busting burrito can make you feel sluggish and run down, while colorful salads can fuel you with nutrient-powered energy. This old adage is especially true when you have heartburn.  The food you choose to put on your plate and...

Is 3 FOR ME Right For You? Sep 21st, 2020

From wrinkles and spots to scars and sags, your skin tells your whole life story at a glance — tales of time spent in the sun, all about your past acne, and just how many birthday candles you’re blowing out these days.  The good news is that you can keep...

Myths and Facts About BMI Everyone Should Know Aug 24th, 2020

Even though you may just now be hearing about the body mass index, or BMI, it’s not a new way to estimate your body fat — it’s a really old way. The formula for BMI was established almost 200 years ago by a Belgian mathematician who was trying to standardize...

Are You a Candidate for Laser Hair Removal? Jun 29th, 2020

You’ve spent hours scrolling through social media wondering just how models or maybe some of your own friends are getting their smooth bikini lines, shimmering legs, and bare underarms. One glance at your armpit stubble has you begging to be let in on the secret everyone else seems to know. ...

How Do I Know If I'm Overweight or Obese? May 8th, 2020

People use euphemistic or humorous words like heavy-set, big-boned, pleasantly plump, beer belly, thunder thighs, and muffin top to describe excess fat on their bodies, but medical professionals take it more seriously. That’s because your weight carries serious consequences for your health.  Dr. Nirav Naik at New Life Medical in...

Restore Your Youthful Appearance With Botox® Mar 1st, 2020

People have been trying to defy the aging process forever. But hanging onto that brief window of youth without resorting to surgery is tough. You’ve tried all of the beauty tricks — every face mask, cream, and awkward exercise out there — but the results just don’t live up to...

Understanding How Laser Hair Removal Works Feb 1st, 2020

From razors and wax to creams and tweezers, the hair removal industry makes a bundle off of people trying to ditch their whiskers and stubble. If only there were a way to lose the hair without the daily sacrifice of time, effort, and money. Now there is. Laser hair removal...

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Heartburn You Can’t Control at Home Jan 5th, 2020

Heartburn is far from uncommon. In fact, more than 60 million Americans have heartburn at least once a month, and 15 million Americans report symptoms of heartburn every day. Because of how common it is, many people are unaware that their heartburn symptoms could be an indicator of a serious...

Why You Should Care About Your BMI Dec 1st, 2019

About 365,000 deaths each year in the United States are linked to a body mass index (BMI) reading greater than 30? With close to 40% of all American adults and nearly 50% of Hispanic and black Americans at an unhealthy BMI, it’s clear that understanding your BMI matters. At New...

What Happens When You Have Gallstones? Nov 1st, 2019

When gallstones block the ducts in your gallbladder, it can lead to serious pain and possible infection. While many people have gallstones, they can become dangerous if they begin causing symptoms.  Surgery is necessary when signs of problematic gallstones start appearing, and having a specialist address your issue can make...

Give Yourself a Complete Skin Makeover With the Go 4 It System Oct 1st, 2019

Your skin is one of the first things other people notice about you, and if you ask anyone, they’re probably dissatisfied with some perceived imperfection on their skin. For example, 50 million Americans struggle with acne. Concerns about wrinkles have led to a rising trend of preventive wrinkle treatments, ranging...

Comparing Your Options for Weight Loss Surgery Sep 3rd, 2019

Unless you’re lucky enough to have a really fast metabolism, losing weight is never easy. And if you have a lot of pounds to lose, the struggle can be even harder. It’d be bad enough if all those extra pounds were “just” a cosmetic issue. But being overweight or obese...

Turn Back the Clock on Sagging Skin with TempSure Skin Tightening Aug 9th, 2019

Skin laxity is part of the natural aging process, and lots of factors contribute to it. Years of sun exposure, illness, stress, poor diet — all these factors can lead to laxity, making your skin more prone to wrinkles and sagging. But the primary culprit is the aging process itself —...

Learn How the New, Drug-Free LINX® Reflux Management System Can Permanently Remedy GERD Jul 3rd, 2019

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common digestive condition caused by a dysfunction of the ring of muscle between the lower esophagus and the stomach called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). When the LES doesn’t work correctly – meaning it stays open for too long or relaxes too often –...

How Many Treatments Will I Need With Laser Hair Removal? Jun 1st, 2019

Laser hair removal is the best way to remove unwanted hair long-term. It can save you many hours in the future since you’ll no longer need to shave, wax, or tweeze on a regular basis, but laser hair removal isn’t quite instantaneous. In fact, the most desirable results typically occur...

Understanding when Gastric Band Revision Surgery is Necessary May 9th, 2019

If you’ve had gastric band (or lap band) surgery, you already know its many benefits. Over the years, you had tried every diet out there and exercised as much as you could, but you needed something more. Like many who battle severe obesity, you found hope in this minimally invasive...

Banish Acne Scars With Laser Resurfacing Treatment Apr 23rd, 2019

There is a multitude of lasers that treat numerous issues in the world of medical aesthetics. When it comes to your skin, you want a laser treatment that is both effective and won’t require weeks of recovery time. At New Life  Aesthetics in Bakersfield, California, we perform skin resurfacing with...

Food Network: 11 Healthy-Eating Myths That Just Aren’t True Apr 8th, 2019

Some interesting facts in this article… though I disagree with a few of the points, it’s overall is a great example of how “Healthy Eating” May not be what we have been told it is! The truth is out there! Keep digging! – Dr. Naik There’s so much advice floating...

Food is medicine: How US policy is shifting toward nutrition for better health Feb 20th, 2019

This is a welcome change to our attitudes toward food! We ARE what we eat! All the decades of ingredients we can’t pronounce and need a chemistry degree to decipher can’t possible be good for us! Read your labels and try to eat fresh food to limit the chemical effects...


Well after reading this article, it shocks me to see how we have failed our diabetic patients over the years. Simply, diabetes is your body saying “I can’t handle the sugar you are giving me!” So obviously, STOP GIVING IT SO MUCH SUGAR! Your body can make its own sugar...

Health Minute: Weight loss surgery controls diabetes and obesity better than lifestyle change Nov 14th, 2018

This article looks at the overall results of Weight Loss Surgery versus lifestyle. However, it’s my firm belief that to be truly successful at control of diabetes and obesity, BOTH surgery AND LIFESTYLE change are necessary!! – Dr. Naik People with worrisome levels of obesity and poor control of their...


Models, athletes and celebrities swear by the ketogenic “keto” diet to help shed those unwanted pounds. The keto diet encourages eating more cheese, butter and bacon; it’s a low-carb, high-fat diet akin to the Atkins Diet created in 1972 by cardiologist Robert C. Atkins. The latest fad diet has amassed...


Past research shows that the accumulation of fat in the heart, especially pericardial fat – a small lump of fatty tissue just on the outside of the heart – can increase risks of cardiovascular disease. Key findings A team from the University of the Negev and Soroka University Medical Centre...

Condiments for the Low-Carb Pantry Jan 11th, 2018

For people on a low-carb diet, the list of foods you can’t eat can seem endless. However, if you focus on fresh produce and lean protein, your cravings for starches and grains may diminish. Another trick is to incorporate a variety of flavors to keep your food interesting and tasty....


I tried intermittent fasting for two weeks, and here’s what happened.Intermittent fasting scores a lot of great press (including here on Coach), because it’s more than just a fad diet: a new study indicates it speeds up metabolism, burns more fat, and therefore leads to weight loss. In case you’re...


High fat diets are associated with a lower risk of mortality than high carbohydrate diets, a new study has found. A team of scientists studied the diets and mortality of more than 135,000 people across 18 counties and found that those with high carbohydrate intake had a higher risk of...


THOSE PALEO PROSELYTIZERS might be right after all. A new study from Chatham University and the University of Houston showed that those who followed the trendy diet—which limits foods to those early man supposedly ate, like meat, fish, fruit, and veggies—for eight weeks lowered their levels of a biomarker that...


Acid reflux disease is more and more being recognized as a true health risk .. not just heartburn.Medications used to treat reflux have been increasingly associated with long term complications such as osteoporosis and possibly cognition problems such as Alzheimer’s disease.For mild cases symptomatic treatment is often adequate.. however for...

How Are Carbs a Bigger Health Foe Than Fats in Real Life? The Fact Test Nov 6th, 2017

Many people think of fat as being enemy No. 1 in our battle to eat and stay healthy. Just look at all the low-fat and fat-free products that crowd grocery store shelves. But could fat have been unfairly maligned all these years? Is the true dietary foe standing in the way of...


Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, but the debate over what exactly causes it rages on. New research published in the Journal of American Medical Associationhas thrown the previously accepted consensus into doubt. The study uncovered evidence showing that the sugar industry paid Harvard scientists in the 1960s...

The sugar industry funded one of the biggest misconceptions in modern nutrition Sep 14th, 2016

It is well-noted in the field bariatric medicine and surgery that a low-carbohydrate diet is ideal for weight loss and maintenance of healthy weight, as well treatment and prevention of some weight related comorbidities, such as diabetes and high cholesterol.  This recommendation however has not always been agreed upon throughout...

This study 40 years ago could have reshaped the American diet. But it was never fully published. Aug 25th, 2016

It was one of the largest, most rigorous experiments ever conducted on an important diet question: How do fatty foods affect our health? Yet it took more than 40 years  — that is, until today —  for a clear picture of the results to reach the public. The fuller results...


Ever wandered down the “health foods” aisle of your local grocery store? If it’s anything like the one near me, it’s full of “low-fat,” carb-heavy snack foods. Here’s the problem: For many of us, low-fat diets don’t work. Why? Because our bodies need fat, protein, and fiber to function properly. And when...

Do you want to be a fat man or fit man? Aug 2nd, 2016

Make an “okay” sign with your thumb and index finger. You’re looking at the approximate size of my stomach. That tiny circle, the result of gastric-bypass surgery, has made an enormous difference in my life. It’s taken me from 360 pounds to 180, from a 60-inch waist to a 36,...

Obese men face risks when they delay bariatric surgery Aug 2nd, 2016

Obese women are four times more likely than men to seek weight-loss surgery. When they do, male patients tend to be older, more obese, and sicker than women. “It is important for men to realize that obesity poses a serious threat to their health and lifespan,” says Mohamed Ali, senior...

Men do not seek obesity surgery as soon as they should Aug 2nd, 2016

(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) – Even though obesity affects women and men equally, a UC Davis study shows that obese women are four times more likely than obese men to seek weight-loss surgery. When they do see a bariatric surgeon, male patients tend to be older, more obese and sicker than women. “It...

The Reality Of ‘The Biggest Loser’ and how weight loss works for you Apr 25th, 2016

Surprise, surprise, reality television is often not reality. Yes, The Biggest Loser has been quite successful for NBC. But the latest news is that the show may not be quite as successful for its contestants as portrayed. A study published in the journal Obesity checked on 14 of the show’s contestants six years after they...